Beautiful Moon – How can you be so
Beautiful Moon, dont you hide by the
clouds tonight, lets talk all night long...
Please tell me, how are you so
beautiful and brilliant?
Please share all your secrets with me,
I, will tell you my dreams, so you can
light them up
Beautiful Moon, tell me how is to meet
the sun so close now and
then... what does he tell you... and
why is he hiding from the night?
Beautiful Moon, lets play together,
lets enjoy our company and talk about
Life and Death flowing together...
Beautiful Moon, let me join you up
there... I will fly to you and sit between
your lips... to keep on listening to
your melody so attentively while breathing your essence.
Beautiful Moon, tell me, why is you
color red sometimes? Are you embarrased by something?
How can you look so big sometimes and
so far away at the same time?
Beautiful Moon, I am embarrased, I have
so many questions out of curiosity, but they all dissolve while I
observe you feeling your shinny face in mine.
Beautiful Moon, I will tell you a
secret, I Love the Sun, but Im in Love with you every night, lost in
your charmming presence.
I smile, cos you Love to be whatched...
the Sun instead is so brilliant and powerful as you are, but we can
hardly look at it.
Beautiful Moon, I consider you as a
loving mother on Earth, and I know every night you'll keep on singing
to us till we fall asleep.
I have a last question dear Moon, if
the Sun shines on you, and you shine on me... who sould I shine for?
I will wait for the answer sitting in this spot every night, even in
my sleep.
Thank you Mother Moon, for being so
pure and benebolent with all of us... even if we forget it most of
the time.