Theres so much light within you, that I
barely can keep my eyes open in front of you
It is such the intensity of your eyes,
that my heart fully opens once you look at me.
I cannot keep the emotions your
presence makes me feel... so I open my eyes to release all of it by a
tear... falling down my face.
Theres no need to dry it,... its a
lovefilled tear created by Love
Theres such an intensity between both
of us... that even we havent meet, we already feel each other,
anywhere we are.
Theres such a fulfillment in both of
us, thats not possible to tell where do I start or where you end.
Like a water drop in the sea, theres no
difference between us both.
Such a beautiful expression of Love,
makes my heart beat harder, louder and again listening to the
sinphony of our sinchronizity, the moon smiles at us. She makes the
sceene even brighter, nourishing the environement by a warm light in
the night.
We are not together jet, but you can
feel my tears over your face, and I can feel your touch over my body.
Our souls have never been separated, they are one holded by Peace and
Loving kindness.
I Love you as my own self, and there I
am, free.