domingo, 15 de diciembre de 2013

Hay Nuevas palabras en mi Voz

Hay nuevas palabras en mi Voz

Veo montañas en el cielo, nuevos horizontes de inmensas posibilidades aun por descubrir. Son colores nunca vistos... un nuevo brillo en cada objeto, en cada rostro y mirada.

Veo un diamante en el corazón de cada persona que me cruzo en mi camino.

Hay un nuevo palpitar en nuestros corazones, un nuevo latido, tan fuerte como el rugir de las olas en alta mar.

Hay poesía en mi voz, y aunque no pronuncie palabra, se escucha cada amanecer en la salida del sol. Trae nuevos mensajes de Libertad, en alas de una vida que avanza y crea desde nosotros, anunciando la esperanza, el gozo y el Amor de un Mundo que sonríe a aquellos que observamos su perfecta manifestación.

Mi corazón bate sus alas y con mil plumas ahuyenta cualquier temor o incertidumbre, proyectando un viento de cambio que trae aromas de mi y una flores aun por ser descubiertas, admiradas y olidas por primera vez.

Estamos en la cuna de la Vida, y no tenemos limite alguno, al igual que el día y la noche se alternan en un baile sin fin.

Alégrate, corazón diamante, ya que aun apenas llegas a atisbar la luz que es capaz de emanar de tus ojos, o el Amor que puede proyectar tu corazón.

Este es un nuevo comienzo y dispones de colores infinitos para dibujar y plasmar tu lienzo de Vida.

Aquí y Ahora eres infinito, en un mundo sin fin.

domingo, 17 de noviembre de 2013

Loving in distance

Theres so much light within you, that I barely can keep my eyes open in front of you
It is such the intensity of your eyes, that my heart fully opens once you look at me.

I cannot keep the emotions your presence makes me feel... so I open my eyes to release all of it by a tear... falling down my face.
Theres no need to dry it,... its a lovefilled tear created by Love

Theres such an intensity between both of us... that even we havent meet, we already feel each other, anywhere we are.

Theres such a fulfillment in both of us, thats not possible to tell where do I start or where you end.
Like a water drop in the sea, theres no difference between us both.

Such a beautiful expression of Love, makes my heart beat harder, louder and again listening to the sinphony of our sinchronizity, the moon smiles at us. She makes the sceene even brighter, nourishing the environement by a warm light in the night.

We are not together jet, but you can feel my tears over your face, and I can feel your touch over my body. Our souls have never been separated, they are one holded by Peace and Loving kindness.

I Love you as my own self, and there I am, free.

martes, 20 de agosto de 2013

Beautiful Moon

Beautiful Moon – How can you be so Beautiful?

Beautiful Moon, dont you hide by the clouds tonight, lets talk all night long...
Please tell me, how are you so beautiful and brilliant?

Please share all your secrets with me,
I, will tell you my dreams, so you can light them up

Beautiful Moon, tell me how is to meet the sun so close now and
then... what does he tell you... and why is he hiding from the night?

Beautiful Moon, lets play together, lets enjoy our company and talk about
Life and Death flowing together...

Beautiful Moon, let me join you up there... I will fly to you and sit between
your lips... to keep on listening to your melody so attentively while breathing your essence.

Beautiful Moon, tell me, why is you color red sometimes? Are you embarrased by something?
How can you look so big sometimes and so far away at the same time?

Beautiful Moon, I am embarrased, I have so many questions out of curiosity, but they all dissolve while I observe you feeling your shinny face in mine.

Beautiful Moon, I will tell you a secret, I Love the Sun, but Im in Love with you every night, lost in your charmming presence.

I smile, cos you Love to be whatched... the Sun instead is so brilliant and powerful as you are, but we can hardly look at it.

Beautiful Moon, I consider you as a loving mother on Earth, and I know every night you'll keep on singing to us till we fall asleep.

I have a last question dear Moon, if the Sun shines on you, and you shine on me... who sould I shine for? I will wait for the answer sitting in this spot every night, even in my sleep.

Thank you Mother Moon, for being so pure and benebolent with all of us... even if we forget it most of the time.

Thank you MM, good night, All my Love

lunes, 12 de agosto de 2013

Rain in peace

Rain in peace

Just for a second feel the rain

Just for a second let it flow through your whole body, and breath

Just for a second give yourself a chance... being wet under your skin

Just for a second carri on the way of peace

Just for a second, breath-in, without trying
Just for a second envolve yoursel in tears and learn from the rain

It just flows, and it shines sametime in the rainbow of Life

The simplicity of a drop of water, shows you the embrance of existence
It tells you:
Theres no need
Theres no need to carrying on the water,
not even a need of droping it
It falls naturaly, and it comes back to the cloud afterwards...
in perfect harmony

The cloud in tears doesnt regret of crying
Dont you regret of being as you are, and living as you wish

Just remember theres no cry out of tears
Its just the rain, in peace

martes, 30 de julio de 2013


La palabra mantra deriva de la raíz sánscrita y literalmente traduce "plegaria" o "palabra mágica", pero la verdadera interpretación deriva de la raíz Man (pensamiento) y la raíz Tra (protección) por lo que podría traducirse "protección del pensamiento". Se dice además que Man es la primera sílaba mente, y Tra es la primera de trama, liberación.

Así que una segunda interpretación sería "Instrumento que conduce a la mente a la liberación".



domingo, 14 de julio de 2013

...if one day I become a butterfly, I ask to enjoy all the best juices that flowers from far orient prepare.
...if one day I become a butterfly, I ask to cover my wings of all the colors of the rainbow.
...if one day I become a butterfly, let the sun and moon cover me with their light, and lets create spirals of Love together.
...if one day I become a butterfly, I ask to inspire all those worms so they can feel the beauty they are.
...when I become a butterfly, I choose to open my wings every day, to discover new ways to walk.
...when I become a butterfly, I choose to live all the life has for me, from the Love that I am.
...when I become a butterfly, I choose to enjoy every instant of what I Am, even if its a little time what I can spend here on earth.
...when I become a butterfly, I choose to get all the knowledge of the littlest flower, so I can experience the plenitude of being.
And when I leave this beautiful body, I could say without any doubts, I lived, I Am. is painful, sad, dark, tiring... and at the same time its beautiful, light, easy, joyfull...

Anyway its allways colorful and plenty of sensations, smells and surprises.

I dont know what you feel about it, but I take it all, otherwise I wouldnt feel nothing.

How to know love without knowing lonelyness?
How to taste something good if you dont know whats bad?

It is the way it is, and the way it has to be, just perfect
Accept that, and it would be a huge step

I love you, the way you are

...a veces la vida te ofrece un nuevo camino para andar... un nuevo campo en la vida se abre para ti.
Es tan precioso cuando sientes que es el camino perfecto para ir... incluso si no tienes ni idea de a donde te dirigirá... aceptas ir.
Es tan perfecto sentir la energía que te lleva allí, lo sientes en el interior, en lo mas profundo de ti.
Entonces, no hay dudas. Solo claridad de lo mas profundo, que te hace sentir amada, cuidada, nutrida...
Todos tenemos esta oportunidad en la vida, quizá mas de una vez... si aun tienes dudas.
Tu propósito en la vida se te mostrara en el momento adecuado, pero se hace por si mismo solo andando el camino.
El camino de la vida, el camino del Amor.

Camina, amigo mio y permite que la vida te guíe a cada instante.

Tan solo respira.

Con amor,

...sometimes life offers you a new way to walk in... a new path of life opens to you.
Its so beautiful when you feel its the right way to go... an even if you have no idea what will it guide you to... you accept to go in.
Its so nice to feel the energy that takes you there, you feel it in your inside, the deepest part of you.
There is no doubt then. There is just a clarity deep inside that makes you feel beloved, taken care of, nourished...
We all have this chance in life, maybe more than once... if we doubt jet.
But, my friend, I can tell you for my own experience, it will be the best gift you can receive. There is no happyness you have to find, its an ilusion of your mind and believes.
There is nothing to achieve, or find, nowhere to get actually.

Your purpouse of life will be shown to you, at the right time, but its being donne by itself just walking the path.
The path of life, the path of Love.

Walk my friend, and let the life guide you any moment.

Just breath.

With Love,
Friendship is failure...

There is nobody with you... even if you think they are close friends... that would be there for you anytime... Its not true.

You cant depend on them, but in yourself.

Your family perhaps can be the closest one if you are lucky, but they are not You. They dont undestand you, or feel whatever you are feeling. They can perceive it sometimes, and be helpful now and then... but still, they dont know you.

So, the point is, be happy with yourself, no matter what, you will have to be comfortable being by your self.
Respect your space, take time for you, thats what would bring you anything needed.
Whenever you forget about this, you fall. And you will fall many times, because we were born in a society built up to be together,... we were told to find a couple, friends,... to stay safely around the other ones...
Well, thats not true, just another lie we keep inside.
Through it, through everything away, and take a big breath once you are empty... you will feel yourself as the One, the Self, the witness.
You will feel yourself as the empty space you are, no noise, no disturb, just nothing.
Dont be afraid of this space, as you always do with the unknown... 

breath, breath, breath, until you feel safely home, until you feel your Self


...amazing Life,... you take everything out of me... and back again... let me fall till the deepest place, just to wake me up and help me standing again...

I may not understand your pourpouse sometimes... but the blessing of your truth is so nourishing... that makes me forget all of it in a second.
Even when the understaning seems to feed me, you call me fool... then nothing, just emptiness remains.

And the further I go, the deeper...
I realize I know nothing... very little,...
but the Less I know, the Less I Care.


miércoles, 12 de junio de 2013


Embrance is Thy Everything

It Is Everything

Its the smile here, now...
Its thy chair im sitting in
Its the ground by the feet
Its the green grass of the mountains in front

Its the birds singing through the wind,
...the wind Itself,
thy SPACE holding it All

There comes Stillness
There thy Embrance

The thought "Embrace thy Self" arises
The clarity doesnt need to be embraced.
This clarity coming from Stillness,
Thats I Am, who you Are

The SPACE opens
perceptions are no longer important
emotions stay in a second place
thoughts are not disturbing anymore

Then the thought "Allowance" arises
What is that to be allowed?
This permission comes from thinking again...
Allow thy Self to be as it Is, Peace, Stillness

Its Marvellous,
It All Arises by Itself

Then, theres no more Delussion
Divine is Present

Thy Everything shines
in Embrance

domingo, 2 de junio de 2013

Pétalos de Sol

Las flores de Sol piden ser descubiertas...
Piden ser Amadas... desde donde están, desde lo que son 


 Son mucho mas que unas flores... más allá de sus colores, 
de su forma, mas allá del suelo que las sostiene... Son música y sonrisas de felicidad

Son desde su esencia, desde su raíz, 
desde el corazón latiente de la tierra que las nutre,
desde la luz radiante que alumbra... de día, y de noche, 
transformando Amor,
en forma de Sol, Luna y Estrellas

A veces dormidas, a veces despiertas.... 
su esencia siempre activa,
 los sentidos, 
de aquellos que sienten,
 y acarician sus pétalos,
los Aman

Amadas llamaradas de Sol, sonrientes en la niñez...
 desde la risa y desde el juego...
 danzad bajo la lluvia, silbad y cantad...
 pétalos al viento

Mas allá de la lluvia que acaricia, 
mas allá del Sol que baña, 
mas allá de la luna que alumbra... 
mas cerca del sueño... desde el que vivís,...
jugáis, amáis y florecéis

Más allá de todo,
 desde vuestra esencia,  
la felicidad en Sí

Sois la alegría... 
sentid Libertad, Felicidad, Amor,...
mirad al Cielo, sonriendo desde la Tierra... 
envueltos estáis en corrientes de Luz
sostenidos sois en brazos de Sol,
 Alumbrados siempre,
 en el Corazón 

Abraham, Amarantine
Eli (2-6-2013)