domingo, 14 de julio de 2013

...if one day I become a butterfly, I ask to enjoy all the best juices that flowers from far orient prepare.
...if one day I become a butterfly, I ask to cover my wings of all the colors of the rainbow.
...if one day I become a butterfly, let the sun and moon cover me with their light, and lets create spirals of Love together.
...if one day I become a butterfly, I ask to inspire all those worms so they can feel the beauty they are.
...when I become a butterfly, I choose to open my wings every day, to discover new ways to walk.
...when I become a butterfly, I choose to live all the life has for me, from the Love that I am.
...when I become a butterfly, I choose to enjoy every instant of what I Am, even if its a little time what I can spend here on earth.
...when I become a butterfly, I choose to get all the knowledge of the littlest flower, so I can experience the plenitude of being.
And when I leave this beautiful body, I could say without any doubts, I lived, I Am.

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